Left: Wish he could actually stand right now in front of my frontdoor, knowing being together brings so much more comfort..... (wondering if Kik has these pictures haha)
Not happy at all, I am!
It is now more then 2 weeks ago that I reported my creditcards stolen and requested replacement. Late yesterday afternoon my bank informed me that it might take another 10-14 days before they might arrive at my doorstep here in Delft!
Unbelievable that it takes so long for Euirocard Mastercard and Amrican Express to replace lost creditcards.... I allways thought they prided in themselfs that they were quick/fast in such matters where ever you are in the world.
Well, it seems like they take their sweet time and you get stuck in the middle.
It is so much more difficult to book flights for instance via internet without a creditcard, to continue abonnements on services available on the internet, etc.... which, in my situation were all up for renewal these weeks, LOL What luck huh?
Most problematic is, at least for me, how to get back to Kik on Phuket.... can not leave without my creditcards, thats for sure,.... if alone to be able to feel safe while travelling and to be able to take care if the need arrises.
After the ashclouds have kepty me away from Holland for a good week and prevented me to use the ticket I bought in Thailand, now I seem to be stuck in Holland for one or two weeks longer.... because of crditcard replacement problems, grrrrr.
Well, not that I have nothing to do while here.... enough to keep myself occupied and distracted.... BUT everybody will agree with me that its not the same as being together with your partner,and dog Didi.
So, while 'stuck' in Delft, at least my favorite place to be when stuck seperated from my husband, I can be found a lot of the time at home clearing and cleaning, haha, doing administration etc.
Still discover that I have a hard time trowing stuff away, even after so many months of NOT having it around.... feel stupid about it, but what can one do???
Well, one thing for sure: not knowing when I can return to my husband, grrr still, I now find myself here in Delft and forcing myself to deal with just all those lousy chores.
Told Kik the other day that I should have brought our housekeeper with me, haha, to deal with all that! LOL
Decadent huh? ;-) O well, one enjoys some of the perks one holds when living partially abroad haha
and one can onlt dream of taking some of it home to Holland for a short while haha
Okay, enough chitchat for now, till soon ;-)
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