Its a very old struggle and every country allmost in the world have had to get trough such a struggle! The emancipation of the rural/lower classes. In some countries this is accompanied with lots of violance, in others with much less... but there the elite bend with the flow of things in time and as a consequence they stayed on top same time. Were they resisted too long, they were replaced in the end by a new elite.
Thailand, thanks, among others, to the King, managed to hold on to their relative 'old' ways... but internet, satelite television etc now available for the poor as much as the rich, helped the likes of Thaksin (also part of that same elite) to use the available force!
BUT as history shows just as often as well, Thaksin cs are just a vehical. He showed them their power, and now NOBODY will be able to take it back from them anymore.
The elite/yellow shirts preach they fight Thaksin while they know they fight for themselfs holding on to their old fashioned power. Power and wealth they can not imagine they would have to share with the likes they look down on.
Such is the weakness of an elite who sat on its position for too long without having shown enough flexibility and compasion withthe lower classes and instead tried to squeeze them even more.
Hypocracy never brought lasting victories. It would have saved and can still safe lot of life if they would realise to bend with the blowing winds.
The attitude they expected from the lower classes is now something they need to show themselfs!!!
But to my dismay and I believe of many many others as well, I do not expect them to do so.
They will, in the end, be their own biggest treath and might plunge Thailand into much more trouble.
History repeats itself over and over again....
Sadly Thai society is giving itself a harsh wake up call ....
So for one I hope they would stop focussing everything on Thaksin, the guy is politically dead... and we all know that what is dead will not come to life again...
They should very very quickly, if not too late allready, focus instead on the futur, their futur and only way of their survival by learning to bend, like bamboo, and accept the emancipation of the lower classes once and for all.
The lower classes will not forget what happens now, they will learn again as well, but not the lessons they now seem to try to teach in the streets of Bangkok with ordering the military to do what they do and have them shoot with sharp ammunition!
The Prime MInister of Thailand is finally convinced/presssured(?) by the yellow shirts ergo the elite to withdraw his roadmap they never liked and finally go for the confrontation with the Red shirts.
This whole powerstruggle has sofar cost an incrediblle amount of money, economic growth, international trust, reputation, collaps of tourism, thousands of wounded and not to mention at least 50 dead!!!
That burden will be on the shoulders of the present governement of the country, on the shoulders of the Thai elite!
One can only hope, when one says this, that they would actually care.........
So sad that I actually felt like writing these words.... so sad!
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