From left to right: Jeroen (happy & proud father), Levi Daniel, Bibi (glowing mother)
Last night, the 27th of April, at 22.52 hours the first (ofcourse we hope he will not be the last) of a new generation in our family arrived.
When I came to the hospital to welcome him personally, and to congratulate my nephem and Bibi with their wonderfull son, the litle guy allready showed how to use his young voice.
MMmmm, what a futur might he have with such a clear and demanding voice. Levi is a smartlooking little fellow and have the feeling he wil be his own man when the time comes. But also a social guy.... his parents will see to that I strongly believe ;-)
Levi was born on a tuesday, same day of the week as me :-)) His daycolour is pink, which in THailand stands for good health and long life. I can only hope & pray that he will not only get that, but that he will receive and give wisdom to the people around him and for himself during his life!
Well, the 27th of April is in my country also the birthday of our futur king. A day when the whole country hang out the national flag to show their appreciation for him and his family... their colour is Orange;-)
When I phoned Kik to tell hiwm the news early this morning, he was clearly sleeping but when I told him the news he was immidiatly excited. He immidiatly wanted to know his full name, time of birth etc. so he could ask his Bhuddist master about the futur of levi.
Will be very curious about that, because sofar on the occasions kik consulted his Bhuddist master, he was pretty accurate in his advice and widom.
Levi teaching his parents, specially his mother ofcourse, that he was not finished with his dinner and wanted more from Mum! ;-)
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