Part IV,
Impressions of the ILGA Asia Conference,
29-31 of March 2013.
Happy starting the last part of my impressions with a side step
One thing I forgot to mention so far. The use of social media
while in Bangkok attending the ILGA conference, went trough the roof,
and if you know as me with hinsight, what happened, no idear...haha,
I only know I had to go back to my room several times a day to
recharge my iPhone and as such could only do that in a limited way if
I didn't want to miss interesting parts (for me that is) of the
But then my
iPhone played part as note book, camera, conference calender, etc. To
think that in the so-called old days we walked around with piles of
paper, we carried those so-called pilot briefcases with us, sometimes
more then one... and now? One device the size of little more then a
cigarette case and/or one with the size of a A5 writingblock... if
you guys still know what A5 (and 1, 2, 3, 4 etc for that matter)
stands for ;-) The participants walked around with maximum a laptop
and one thing I would advice the organisers of the 2015 conference:
please make sure enough sockets for recharging batteries are at hand
all over the place, not only where the meetings take place, but also
in the corridors and lobby... seems those are the new ink for all
those new pens we carry around with us.
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Nowadays modern gear for attending a conference, so much easier if you know your way with it;-) |
To the
conference participants: make sure you have your adapter with you,
and preferably a spare! ;-)
How much things
can change in such a relative short time?!
During the relative early morning, by the look of the number of
people then present, I walked into the membership meeting of ILGA and
as a (policy)organisation and structure lover, if I can call it that
this way, I got fascinated how the ILGA membership went about
discussing a Strategy Plan, setting their goals, etc.. The commitment
it showed BUT also the preparedness to get as much people involved,
respectively behind the chosen path, felt very very good... but then
again, at times I also wondered what I could take on face value and
what not? But that's maybe the political animal, the cynic.... but I
well prefer to take what I experienced on face value because it felt
honest and good though not everybody could be made happy, that was
clear too.
After I also wittnessed the elections of the new ILGA Asia Board,
from a technical point of view about how to conduct such meetings and
affairs, things didn't go as they should have, but who was I to
comment? Maybe I was just the observer set in his ways and should not
do too difficult if everybody present seemed to be happy respectively
not too annoyed by the procedures followed. In the end I decided, of
course, to happily keep my mouth firmly shut and enjoy a rather good
spirited election meeting.
During the closing ceremony the newly elected Board was presented and
goodbyes were spoken and applauded for those members who had
resigned, specially the two who also had served on the Worldboard of
ILGA for the last 7 years.
Asia and sports
But before we got to the closing ceremony, followed by a true
conference party, at last, at Telephone Bar in Soi 4 of Silom Road,
there was one more workshop I visited, with AEK, who had gone before: ILGA and sports.
Strangly, this was a rather small gathering but on the other hand,
the discussions and exchanges of thoughts were more intense, direct
and wonderfully respectfull to all different opinions.
This workshop was requested by a Canadian participant of the
conference, who also sits on the Board of the Gay Games, so I was
He wanted to talk about how to get people to come to these big sports
events, to find out if and so yes where they went wrong and why it
was so hard in (SE) Asia.... looking at the Nepal initiative.
Well, happily our Aek, but also the friends present from Malaysia and
Phillipines made it clear to him that they already had a sports
event, which slowly grows and now has participants from al over SE
Asia and beyond.
They also made clear that it was a so called grass roots event, not
top down. That publicity, if at all, was non exsistend if they had
their yearly Games in a country with a, lets stay politely, less
tolerant approach to the LGBT community, also to protect the event
and because all participants also enjoyed playing host, even if it
ment nightmares for the organisers too, and receiving all their (new)
friends. Competition took/takes place in 8/10 sports and is growing
and the next host city/country would be Manilla, Phillipines in
October 2013!
Our moderator, the Gay Games Board member, was, or acted, but I think
he truly was, surprised and very interested how sport was being
approached here in SE Asia.
Then to my surprise I was actively drawn into the discussion,
exchanges, by a Nepalese long distance runner, who asked for my
opinion as being Dutch and our experiences with it all, being such
front runners. It was/is humbling when people still look at us Dutch
people this way when it comes down to LGBT/SOGI rights and all
activities connected with it.
I used this opportunity to support the grass roots set-up aand I
combined it with the so-called tupperware parties from the '60/'70
and later (?) in the USA and somewhat also in Europe... these are
parties where people come together at someones home and same time one
of them or someone specially invited comes to sell them tupperware or
whatever while they were all having fun and enjoyed themselves.
Nobody the wiser too. I also told how we used this concept in Holland
to reach women belonging to certain cultural minorities were talking
about hiv and aids was, and still is, taboe so at least they could
attend because there husbands/family
wouldn't be the wiser and they could
get their education, information, assistance, whatever was needed.
This operated pretty succcesfully and in that way we were able to
help many otherwise lonely women.
I then made the link to the TSG Games and the role they fullfilled or
could easily fullfill regarding SOGI(LGBT) advocacy. Giving the
members of our community the chance to meet fellow members while same
time respecting the social situation they might be in back home.
Those who are still in the closset should be safe to take part too!
Our SE Asian, Chinese and Nepalese friends, supplemented with some Old Dutch,
then concluded that these OUT games, World games, Gay Games, Pacific
OUT games and whatever else they were cauled, it seemed one for each
year, is quickly draining the resources of many athletes in (SE)Asia
and quickly turning it into an elite event for the well to do and
the general SOGI population, at least in Asia, wouldn't be reached
that way! Also it ment a pretty steep inflation of these sports
events, in other words, it wouldn't be long before allmost all if not
all would loose interest and trow back gay sports many years.
Our moderator stated that this, plus some other things which were
mentioned, might have contributed to the failed games of Vancouver.
Regional gay sports events, consisting from one sport to a wide
range, could be held every year. Relatively simpely organised and be
combined with general gay/SOGI advocacy, culture, desired or
stimulated by the so-called local hosts. That tupperware idear. You
can build things up from there, to let's say every 4 years something
After all (gay)sports was about bringing people together, to make
people more resilient, stronger in achieving their goals. Stimulate
our SOGI-community beyond its own believe!
The TSG Games take place every year, Last year, 2012, on Phuket
again, it drew in even more participants then before, over 250/300.
None of them comercially financed, true amateurs, with or without
sponsorships by individuals or organisations to make it all possible
for them to attend/participate. With an old Olympic credo still very
much alive: its more important to participate then to win! Also my
friends explained to our friendly Canadian friend on a question of
him, that the whole TSG Games was organised by the host cities
sporting activists with maximum some sponsoring from local companies
and or private persons, and that the rest of the money needed came
from the participants themselves!
Sporters/athletes from some countries have every time they are
invited to see how they can get the money, find sponsor(s) etc. while
others have to seriously safe money to attend.
Because of the friendship element involved in these TSG Games, it
often happens that already on the last day of a games people already
have organised sleeping accomodations at the next games with and
through present (new) friends!
I made the comparrison with how most gay sportsclubs organised
tournaments in Europe and travelled to these eachothers events. It
ain't all that different, except here in Asia special fundraising is
needed to make it possible for the average SOGI-community member to
It was also mentioned that the TSG Games enjoyed receiving teams and
players from elsewhere in Asia and the world, no exclusions. The last
games as a result teams and individual players took part from Western
Europe as well as the United States.
All participants to this workshop stated, knowing already the outcome
of the members meeting earlier on the day, that it would be greatly
adviced to see if it could be organised during the upcomming TSG
Games of Manilla to have the 2015 TSG Games in the host city of the
6th ILGA Conference in the same period!
At the end our Canadian friend concluded he had to rewrite most of a
report he was preparing to the Board of the Gay Games, taking into
account what had been said here at the ILGA conference!
We all said we were much looking forward to receiving this report.
of the 5th ILGA Asia Conference,
Sunday late afternoon all were ready to get together in the ballroom
of the Palazzo Hotel in Bangkok, where the conference took place, for
the closing ceremony and to hear who were elected as the new Asia
Board of ILGA and who had been elected on the World Board.
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The new ILGA Asia board taking in the applaus for their willingness to serve. |
For me it was surprising that so many if not all delegates were still
present, because the room filled up even more then during the
Next to the presentation of the new Board Members also the next host
city was being presented: Taipeh, Taiwan, in October 2015, combining
it with the Taiwanese Gay Pride.
The hope was expressed that maybe by that time it would be possible
to have one real (!) mass gay wedding during that Gay Pride
respectively ILGA Asia conference!
With a long big applaus the conference was closed by the outgoing
World Board members wishing everybody not only a safe trip back home
but also hoping to see everybody at the closing party at Telephone
The ILGA Asia closing party was also very well attended though some
allready had to fly home, like our Vicky. Others had to depart early
from it because they had to fly back that night to China and
elsewhere because most if not all of these participants had to go
back to work the following day! Sadly not all were able to combine it
with a short Bangkok holliday.
The next day, while I sat down in the lobby of the conference hotel,
it was like one big fare well reception of participants. Because my
flight back to Phuket was in the early evening, I was happily able to
say goodbye to new friends made. From Palestine, it was interesting
to hear how his life was, as a SOGI but also as Palestinian in
occupied Jeruzalem, from Bahrein, from Nepal, who told me about his
university research, how he managed to get sponsored for his long
distance running, the long flight to get to Bangkok (he arrived, in
the end, Friday evening instead of Thursday evening) and how his trip
back home was looking like. We decided to share the taxi to go to the
airport later that day. But also from a wonderfull gentle gay/SOGI
pastor from the Phillipines who had decided to found his own
LGBT/SOGI Church with its own congregation, expressing the sincere
hope he would see us in manilla for the TSG Games in October and
hoped that we would be able to raise the money for the Thai/Phuket
(volleybal)team to come and play again because they had become of the
core of the TSG and it wouldn't be the same without them!
For me it felt like saying my goodbyes, again, to our hopes for the
futur. Our hopes for the present and to those who were getting
happily ready to fade away in the past, knowing the SOGI/LGBT-torch
was enthousiastically carried forward with a stimulating
Note: You will not find any names here in these 4 parts about the ILGA conference. If others have done so on their own sites, fine, but it was hard to tell who should stay unknown and who was comfortable about being in the open so I chose simply to avouid face shots and/or mentioning of names.
Of course the ILGA Asia board members e.o. can be found on their webistes, blogs etc..
I can only hope the readers enjoyed these impressions a little bit BUT please take note, they were from an outsider, observer with limitations but one who enjoyed attending same time though please no buffet-food for him anymore, haha
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