Right: Kik & me after his first solo performance at Simons of One man one woman!
Kik goes solo at Simons Cabaret
Early this month Kik finally went on the big stage of Simon Cabaret Theater to perform his solo number "One man one woman", after a long period of hard training/excersising.
I was happy I got the chance to see his first ever solo performance... and it was great! Even taken into account my prejudice ;-)
I was in the back of the big theater, and I heard to reaction of the audiance on Kiks performance of this number: it sounded good, very good... to me.
But people in showbusiness can be very stuborn, its the same all over the world. And so, even the perfomance went extremely well, the discussions about its excecution went on... and so Kik had to adjust his costume and some of his perfromance so it was also liked and agreed on by all the bosses ;-)
O well, it caused quite a bit of stress, but now things look smoothed out and okay.
Kik talked several times about leaving Simon, but knowing he likes performing on stage very much I told him I thought it best if he stayed on. At least till my worries about how to turn stone into cash has been resolved and or when our Backstage project is finally working satisfactory.
Following Dutch politics from a distance
Being here, all the way out in Thailand, it is interesting to see the developments around the formation of the new governement..
I applaud Mark Rutte's wish to try to get a new governement in place as soon as possible so it could allready influance the budget for 2011 when presenting the new budget on the 2d tuesday of september. It was a very sensible approach, sadly not shared by the leaderships of the other parties... they didn't use this preparedness by the liberal leader to get things done as quickly as posisble, nope, they kept stuck in their wished to deal with everything in detail, keeping to their original party lines and less willing to compromise quickly so a new governement could be in place quickly.
Its typical for Dutch politics I am afraid...even when the need is great, allmost no party is prepared to work fast and to jump over its own shadows... they stick it out with their (old fashioned?) agenda's and play the pokergame in its traditional way.
I wil not be surprised if, after they finally get this new governement into place, they blame the lack of action on whomever then hold the seat of power.

Left: Mark Rutte, together with Albert van Gaalen while waiting for our weddingceremony to get started. The crisis was just developing and he allready tried to persuade the governement to take firm actions as soon as possible .. now 2 years later, still the first real measures have to be taken. People stop spending their money because they still do not know whats going to happen. This insecurity is killing slowly the kind of positive developments we so hard need, and for what?
Am dissapointed that even in these great times of (economic/financial) needs, that even then Dutch party politics moves as slow as a turtle!
Allready The Netherlands haven't taken real action sofar to combat the crisis... first the previous governement decided to have a series of committees come up with the necassary amount of idears, but before any of them could be discussed or excecuted the governement fell... and so 2008 got lost, 2009 and 2010, and by the look of it this turtle approach on forming the new governement, will make them loose out on 2011 as well!
Or the new governement must make it part of their programm to create a kind of emergency budget to correct/adjust the budget made by the outgoing governement... Exceptional times need exceptional messures
Developing The Backstage

Right: The businesscard of The Backstage as we now started to use, with a handsome little map so the location can be found easily. Mainly Thai prefer it that way, just an adres doesn't work as half that well as a simple little map ;-)
We are slowly, too slowly, getting there with our Backstage. One would allmost think its same same as with Dutch politics, haha... But it looks like we will be ready to go somwhat sooner then a new Dutch governement will be formed.
For some latest news about the development of this adventure of Kik and me, one should, can, read the Backstage weblog: http://backstagethailand.blogspot.com ;-). It also shows some pictures, so one can get some impression.
It is funny though ... who ever thought I would be doing things like that a couple of years ago?
Specially while in Holland we now live trough exciting political, financial and economic times.. not me ;-)
But its quite different and to be honest, same time it opens ones mind. It becomes easier to think out of the box, as they say.
Being away for a while isn't at all that bad.... it will bring more and clearer perspective to a lot of challenges facing ;-)